3609 Gradyville Road (Left) and 3607 Gradyville Road (right)

Net Zero Energy Homes For Sale

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3607 Gradyville Road, Newtown Square, PA 19087

3609 Gradyville Road, Newtown Square, PA 19087


What Is Net Zero Energy?

Net Zero Energy (NZE) homes are just like any home, except better! They are so air-tight, well-insulated, and energy efficient that they produce as much renewable energy as they consume over a year, leaving the homeowners with a net zero energy bill, and a carbon-free home.

NZE homes combine advanced design and superior building systems with energy efficiency,solar panels & storage, and smart-home controls to produce a better home. NZE homes are ultra-comfortable, healthy, quiet, sustainable homes that are affordable to live in. They are simple to live in with no special considerations.

Intelligent buyers have made plans for their futures and are fulfilling them They’d like an intelligent home with a plan for the future too. A Net Zero Energy home combines extraordinary financial benefits with principled convictions. They may be concerned about the health of our environment. They are surely aware of the uncertainty of our energy future. They want a great home that makes great sense financially.

These are extraordinary designed home with features that buyers are looking for

  • 10’ High first floor ceilings

  • Elevator option and 100% wheelchair accessibility

  • Dedicated home offices

  • True clear-span open plan

  • Geothermal Heating, cooling, and hot water

  • State-of-the-art kitchens with walk in pantry

  • Separate Courtyard Studio Suite option

    Courtyard Garden option

  • 5 bedrooms, all with private bathrooms


A True “Forever Home”


In addition to the quality, comfort, energy security for the future, the health benefits of full-time filtered fresh air, and the satisfaction of net-zero living, there are tremendous FINANCIAL benefits to these NZE homes. The savvy homebuyer understands that NZE adds about to the cost of the home which pays for itself immediately and benefits for a lifetime, making these true “forever homes” for a forward-looking buyer.


Benefits of Net Zero Energy



$14,789 in IRS tax credits.

3607 Gradyville Road, GREEN ENERGY PLUS OPTION, price $1,795,348 with a fantastic $14,789 in Green Energy Tax Deductions and a Net Effective Price (same payments) as comp new home at $110,348 less, with zero tax credits 



$69,389 in Tax Credits

3607 Gradyville, NET ZERO ENERGY OPTION, price $1,875,302 with an amazing $69,389 in Green Energy tax deductions, at only $223 more per month than a comp new home at $190,302 less, with zero tax credits.  Percs of Green Energy! 

Only with a Home Energy Rating Certificate, (linked here >>>) is a home designed, and tested to be energy efficient beyond the current statewide building code. Homes that advertise “Energy Star” are referring to appliances and equipment ratings and minimal insulation ratings.

Click to enlarge. Certified energy analysis.

3609 Gradyville


3609 Gradyville, GREEN ENERGY PLUS OPTION, price  $1,705,581 with a fantastic $14,049 in Green Energy Tax Deductions and a  Net Effective Price (same payments) as comp new home at $115,581 less!     

3609 Gradyville, NET ZERO ENERGY OPTION, price $1,781,537 with an amazing $65,919 in Green Energy tax deductions, at only $187 more per month than a comp new home at $191,537 less!    Percs of Green Energy!

One of a Kind

These two wonderful homes are the only two NET ZERO ENERGY single family detached homes for sale within 50 miles of Philadelphia.

The benefits and savings will only get better, as energy costs continue to rise to increase 50% each of the next two decades

Projected Energy Costs. Click to enlarge

Verified Energy Performance

HERS Index explained. Click to enlarge

HERS - the “Home Energy Rating System”

It’s the nationally recognized system of rating a home’s energy efficiency, newly incorporated into our 2018 Residential Building Code. The lower the HERS Index score the better.

Our NZE HOMES are at least a decade ahead of the building and energy code requirements. Learn more about HERS Index ratings here.

A perfect HERS Index Score of 0

HERS index analyzes the building envelope for insulation value, infiltration, window and door efficiency, HVAC efficiency, and alternative energy sources like Solar and GeoThermal.

  • HERS 130 to 150: Existing homes

  • HERS 100 to 130: A standard existing new home in the US has a

  • HERS 60 TO 65: A new “energy efficient” home built (every new home on the market) has a HERS score of about 60-65 (the blue arrow). Actual HERS certification is not currently required, only a pass-fail energy inspection, no quality assurance oversight, and no inspection by a HERS-rated inspector.

  • HERS 0: Our Net Zero Energy homes have a perfect gold-standard HERS Rating score of ZERO. True Net Zero Energy. highest standard quality assurance, inspection, and certification


Smart buyers have questions

Is a Net Zero Energy (NZE) home complicated to live in?

An NZE home is SIMPLER to live in! Its HVAC system has fewer moving parts and lasts longer than a standard HVAC system It has no special controls or maintenance. It is just better!

Is Net Zero Energy new and untested?

Does Net Zero Energy cost more than a standard new home?

The upgrades are an initial additional cost, yes. Unlike other upgrades, our energy upgrades pay the homeowner back. In monthly costs,

  • Our “High Performance Energy” option actually costs $100 LESS per month and yields a $14,789 tax credit.

  • Our NET ZERO ENERGY OPTION costs a homeowner adds than an average Verizon or Comcast bil and yields a remarkable $69,389 in tax credit.

Will my mortgage lender understand all of this?

  • Green Energy lenders will qualify buyers for higher purchase prices because they recognize the savings of a net zero energy blll.

  • Green energy-trained appraisers will appraise the home at a much higher value than the standard comp. An NZE home will apprais for as much as 10-15% higher than a comparable code-built home.

  • Lenders and appraisers who are up to date on the latest government-approved practices will be happy to help. Our green energy consultants are ready to bring them up to speed.

Do other builders offer NZE?

Some builders are introducing higher-performance energy homes. Toll Brothers, one of the US’s largest builders admits that its average new home has a HERS Index rating of 59, a middle-of-the-road score. In California, they are offering a energy-premium option with a HERS rating of 25, much better. It’s not NET ZERO, but a worthy effort)

Why are there the only NZE single-family homes in the Delaware Valley?

  • An NZE home costs more to build. Most builders are not willing to risk sales based on bottom dollar comparisons

  • An NZE home is has rigorous design and inspection standards. 3rd party energy consultants, inspections, and additional architectural design are all unfamiliar territory to production home builders.

  • Our NZE homes are a vision project. We believe we can make a difference and there are smart buyers who want that for their homes as well. We are willing to go the extra mile to make a difference.

  • Perhaps builders are very cautious. They want to repeat a proven formula, then build, profit, and repeat. Innovation is not in their DNA.

Why don’t building codes require NZE?

They will!

Five years ago, in June of 2018, the U.S. Conference of Mayors unanimously adopted a resolution to urge mayors to adopt the IECC as a strategy toward net zero building construction by 2050. Two and a half decades away

Design Build LLC is a US DOW Zero Energy Ready Partner

The International Code Council (ICC) writes our PA, NJ, and Del building codes. They already require a HERS Index Rating of about 55 for new homes. They are planning on introducing better HERS Index ratings requirements by their 2030 and beyond codes. PA currently uses the 2018 Residential Code. The ICC plans on making energy requirements better and better, with a path TO NET ZERO standards (not requirements) 10 to 15 years away. By then, our NZE buyers will be over $300,000 in future value ahead of the crowd. ($15400 / year @ 15 yrs @ 8%)

The US Department of Energy already has a Zero Energy Read program. We are US DOE ZERO ENERGY READY partners.

We mention above that there are no Net Zero Energy new homes for sale in the Delaware Valley. Our realty team cannot find any mention of any high-performance energy terms in their search of homes for sale. Net Zero Energy homes for private owners are being built for private owners with a vision for the future, in our area.