3609 Gradyville Road
Newtown Square, PA, 19073
Net Zero Energy Homes For Sale,

Elevator option
Wheelchair accessible entry from garage to home.
In-laws suite option
Home office(s) 1 or 2
Geothermal heating, cooling, and hot water
State-of-the-art kitchen
huge walk-in pantry
Walk out basement
4 or 5 bedrooms, with ensuite bathrooms
10’ High first floor ceilings
Smart Home controls
Two Decks. Optional covered, screened or three-season enclosed deck options
Pool option approved
1/2 Acre Lot, 3,600 SF + 1,902 SF basement + 531 SF Garage
“To create beautiful homes with meaning and purpose was our vision and our dream. It’s a privilege to see the years of approvals, engineering, and refinement now bring that vision to life and present them to the public here.”
Vision, Value, Conscience, & Comfort
Added Value: as much as $189,000 more house for the same payments as comparable non-NZE homes.
Financial Benefits: $58,053 in tax benefits. A house that pays you back.
Future Value: $10,500 annual energy savings, comfort, convenience, healthful full-time filtered fresh air. The 20 future value of those savings of $605,000
Peace of mind: A quiet, comfortable, healthful, easy to live in home that has a zero carbon footprint. Stable energy costs FOREVER.
NZE homes combine advanced design and superior building systems with energy efficiency, solar panels & battery storage, and smart-home controls to produce a better home. These homes are engineered, designed, and indolently tested to DELIVER on the energy promises.
A forever home, future-proofed against inflation, an aging energy grid, and changing times. Be part of the future a better energy future.
There are tens of thousands of Net Zero Energy homes in the US. These are the only two NZE single lot homes for sale in Delaware Valley.
Be the First
Click to enlarge. Certified energy analysis.
Price & Benefits
A house that pays you back, day one and every day
Green Energy Base Option, Price : $1,575,000, super insulated and sealed
Green Energy Plus Option, Price: $1,614,000, with $12,553 tax credit,
Add 8Kw solar panels & 10.1 Kwh batteries
Net future value of energy savings at $558/yr est energy costs, 1.5% energy inflation,
the Future Value of energy savings over 20 years = $512,000
Net Effective Price: $1,410,000.
same payments as standard construction home costing $1,410,000
Net Zero Energy Option, Price: $1,686,000, with $60,209 tax credit
Add 8Kw solar panels & 10.1 Kwh batteries plus Geothermal HVAC and hot water
Net future value of energy savings at $0/yr est energy costs, 1.5% energy inflation Compared to standard home
the Future Value of energy savings over 20 years = $541,000
Net Effective Price: $1,450,000
same payments as standard construction home costing $1,450,000
Since an NZE home is so well sealed, it brings filtered fresh air in and exhaust stale air out. It recaptures the energy in the exhaust air using an Energy Recovery Heat Exchangers (ERV). The ERV also filters the fresh air down to one micron in size, the size of bacteria.
The insulation values are between 50% to 900% better than current new home standards. Add to that superr-sealed construction.
Living in a Net Zero House is even simpler than a conventional house. Smart-home lighting, HVAC, media, and access controls make life more convenient and efficient.
More Information on all of these.
Accessibility for friends and family, or aging in place. The home provides elevator access to all levels of the house and a wheel chair accessible level transition from the garage into the house.
A home with a conscience about our energy and environment’s future.
These two wonderful homes are the only two NET ZERO ENERGY single family detached homes for sale within 50 miles of Philadelphia.
An NZE home gives a forward thinking homeowner a forever-home with a Zero Carbon Footprint and a secure energy future. Homes use almost 20% of all energy in the US. Energy costs will increase no less than 50% each of the next two decades.
NZE homes show the way to a secure energy and environmental future.
Projected Energy Costs. Click to enlarge
Smart buyers have questions
For more details about next-generation Net Zero Energy homes,
please visit or FAQ PAGE LINKED HERE
Realtor’s Listing
PENDING UPDATED INFO… Links to Realtors’ listings >>>
Net Effective Price compares the payments (Principal + Interest + Energy) to a standard home of comparable payments of an NZE home. Payments are calculated based on a 6.1% APR jumbo loan with 25% down.
Tax credits are based on IRS Form 5695 federal income tax credits of 30% of qualifying energy systems. Consult your tax professional.
Future value of energy savings is based on the homes’ projected energy savings at 7% interest APR plus 1% per year inflation of energy prices.
Base price of “Green Energy Option” is the base home ready to receive all high-performance energy features. Pre-wired, super insulated, fresh air This is the spec of the US Department of Energy “NET ZERO READY” program.