Framing up to the Second Floor Deck

Snow every other day and more on the way.   Working through it to set framing.   The second floor deck is on so at least we have a nice smooth surface to shovel for what we hope is the last snow of a long winter. 

Forming and Pouring the Concrete Walls

After two weeks of "polar plunge" temperatures hovering around zero, it is finally up into the balmy high 20's at night.   Using heat blankets during the concrete curing, we are pouring concrete today and are scheduled for framing next week.   Steel reinforcing is set, bearing plates for structural steel are in place.   Structural steel is to be delivered next week. 

Pouring concrete footings

We are ready for concrete this afternoon.  After several weeks of rain, ice and snow, we have a nice window of dry weather.   20's at night, 30's during the day, which yields nice firm ground but requires thermal blankets for subgrade and concrete.