For a design to be successful, it has to be sensitive to its site and neighbors, fulfill the needs of its users and accomplish its creative goals. But when zoning relief is required, I tell clients there is only one requirement: "make friends". Reach out to the community to explain who you are, what the project seeks to accomplish and find out how you and the project can be a good neighbor. The Springton Lake Church building committee took this advice to heart and visited with every neighbor within a thousand feet, got input and made positive connections. The township rewarded the effort with its full support.
The rendering above is the fellowship hall which can furnish with intimate areas or large flexible uses. A complete restructuring of existing classrooms and the addition of new classrooms, offices and commercial kitchen are also included. The up-swept roof opens to a wooded view with an environmentally beneficial "green roof" that retains water, insulates, and looks great.